Upcoming Events at Hopewell!

Our Mission

The mission of Hopewell Baptist Church is:

  • To be a dynamic spiritual organism empowered by the Holy Spirit to share Christ with as many people as possible in our church, community, and throughout the world.
  • To be a worshiping fellowship, experiencing an awareness of God, recognizing his person, and responding in obedience to this leadership.
  • To experience an increasingly meaningful fellowship with God and fellow believers. To help people experience a growing knowledge of God and man.
  • To be a church whose purpose is to be Christ like in our daily living by emphasizing total commitment of life, personality, and possessions to the lordship of Christ.

We affirm the Holy Bible as the inspired word of God and the basis for our beliefs. This church subscribes to the doctrinal statement of The Baptist Faith and Message 2000 as adopted by the Southern Baptist Convention. We voluntarily band ourselves together as a body of baptized believers in Jesus Christ personally committed to sharing the good news of salvation to lost mankind. The ordinances of the church are believers’ baptism and the Lord’s Supper

Our Values.

Our Ministry

In all aspects of ministry we are centered on Biblical Truths. We strive to minister effectively inside of our congregation by building loving relationships within our congregation through small groups and fellowship. We long to shoe the love of Jesus to our community through many different outreach efforts at the church but also outside of the church. We have a strong focus on discipling the next generation of believers through our youth and children's program and endeavor to create a blended service that turns our focus on the Creator and not the created.

Hopewell Baptist Church:

Working to share the gospel, build disciples and share the love of Jesus with our community.

Hopewell Baptist Church is lead by our Ultimate Shepherd, Jesus, but also by our Under-Shepherd, Pastor JD Wilson. Pastor JD and his family joined us in April and we are excited about how the Lord is going to lead him as he leads Hopewell.

New to Hopewell Baptist Church?

We are excited that you're interested in knowing more about Christ and this local body of believers. Look around the site, check out our ministries, watch a message, check out our small groups and ministry opportunities and get involved! We're glad you're here.

Hopewell Baptist Church
511 Old Chester Rd, Blacksburg SC, 29702
hopewellbaptist0@gmail.com - (864)839-6643